MATOS TEST: Close up on the GeForce RTX 3050 graphics card
Test a graphics card, and you advise it (or not) becomes an increasingly complicated exercise. Not easy, indeed, to find a fair environment when in front of sound performance and stumbling, we are unable to ensure a price or availability... it is well in this context that the new RTX 3050 is going To launch, with the objective of democratizing even more the headlight technologies of the moment at NVIDIA (ray tracing and DSS). It would still be necessary for the market to allow it.
Unfortunately, it does not have a good need for a new GPU right now. To a friend who was still asking us what model adviser in the coming weeks, we did not have any other answer than the classic now the cheaper, while waiting better... indeed, how to resolve to put at least €650 in an RTX 2060 (first RTX card available on our search for the day) when it is known that its value out of crisis should be divided by two, and that it is a premium of a previous generation product... a complex situation, and that, Nvidia must obviously have it in mind with the launch of the new RTX 3050.
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